Ella Kaye (Research Software Engineer, University of Warwick) and Malvika Sharan (Senior Researcher – Open Research at the Alan Turing Institute and co-lead of The Turing Way) will converse about their experiences in/with the RSE community, as well as both the challenges and successes they’ve encountered when working to improve EDIA. They will discuss the importance and difficulties of community-building and why it matters from an EDIA perspective. They will also consider the intersectionality between developing an RSE identity and their identities as members of groups under-represented in the broader RSE community. There will be time for questions and further discussion.
Event details
Event: DiveRSE, part of the seminar series
Date: July 31st, 2024
Time: 15:00
Location: Zoom
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author = {Kaye, Ella and Sharan, Malvika},
title = {A Conversation about {Equity,} {Diversity,} {Inclusion} and
{Accessibility} {(EDIA)} in the {RSE} Community},
date = {2024-07-31},
url = {https://ellakaye.co.uk/talks/2024-07-31_diverse-conversation/},
langid = {en}