
Generates praise using the {praise} package, then garbles it, as if being delivered by someone tipsy or drunk


Ella Kaye

Kelly Bodwin

Collin Schwantes


July 15, 2024

Main resources

source documentation hex sticker


A package that started as a joke, based on this mastodon toot by Kelly Bodwin, asking what a package called {aperol} would do, and the subsequent suggestion by Nick Tierney that it should deliver praise, which I ran with.

{aperol} gives you praise, but as if from someone tipsy or drunk. Specifically, it generates some praise using the {praise} package and garbles it. aperol::tipsy() swaps a subset of words, and aperol::drunk() mixes up the whole affirmation, repeating some words along the way.

As of v0.2.0, there is an aperol::spritz() function, which is a wrapper to any other function (by default devtools::check()) which counts how many times you call it, and offers increasingly garbled praise, the more often you do so in a given time-frame.


You can install the development version of aperol from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


[1] "exquisite! are swiftly You"
tipsy(swaps = 2, "${Exclamation}! ${EXCLAMATION}!-${EXCLAMATION}! This is just ${adjective}!")
[1] "Yeahyah! This is HUH!-YEAHYAH! just super-excellent!"
[1] "tenderly You badass! tenderly are"
drunk(repeat_words = 2, repeat_times = 2:3)
[1] "are frantically groundbreaking! groundbreaking! You groundbreaking! are"
drunk(2, 2, "You are ${creating} a ${adverb} ${adjective} ${rpackage}")
[1] "a package a R organizing are hot package enthusiastically You"

The hex

The hex for the package (created by Kelly Bodwin) is so fun that here it is in its full-sized glory.